
In Progress

What is Dyslexia?

The mission of Braiins is to offer more complete, personal, and insightful perspectives to many neurobiological conditions. This video from the British Dyslexia Assoication was beautifully done, explaining many of the challenges faced by dyslexic children, but also going beyond the scope of dyslexia and explaining the many nuances of this learning disability, and sharing the magic and and many superpowers behind it. A perfect video for sharing!


“Light Reading”

My 10 year old son wanted to have this lighthearted section to Dyslexia, to remind kids and everyone alike to, “not be afraid to laugh at your own mistakes and to always love yourself.”

“ Saddle Up Fartner”

Fancy fonts are the wrost! : ) We were walking to school and my son saw a sign and thought it said “Saddle Up Fartner!” I laughed, telling him it was actually, “Saddle Up Partner!”

“Obnoxiously Waiting For Our New Reptile To Arrive”

Scouring the reptile section of Petsmart with his dad, my son thought the sign was a little strange. My husband read it for him and he laughed whe he realized it was “Anxiously waiting for our new reptile to arrive”.

“…not in the wanner he had seen…”

Reading a long essay passage, he inverted the letter “m” and saw a “w” instead. The passage was “…not in the manner he had seen…”

“Are We Breathing Carbon Dinoxide?”

My son was doing some homework and after reading about the human body, he came to me and asked if we breathed “carbon dinoxide?”

“No,” I responded, “but we do breathe carbon dioxide.” : )

“The Li-berry”

With his baby cousin visiting (who he adores), my son asked her if she was excited to go to the “li-berry”. Jokingly, his uncle lovingly ribbed him and questioned his choice of words, and without missing a beat he fired off…

…“Tomato - Po-TAH-toe - Dyslexia”

Pierce laughed off his little word gaffe and made the entire table laugh with him. How can you not love this marvelous little boy <3

If we could all find a little bit of his humour and strength in ourselves, the world would be an incredible place.