This Is The Shape Of My Normal
Stories and Shared Thoughts from the Kiids Braiins Community
We’d love to hear from other young people and learn from them how their beautiful brains work, what they love about their neurodifferences, their superpowers, and what makes them shine. For far too long, these lesser known conditions such as dyspraxia, dyscalculia, complex motor stereotypies and IIM (and so much more) have been hidden, and little voices silent. There is an incredible need to bring it all out in the open and removed from behind hidden doors. Building community, openness, and awareness takes away fear and offers hope for young people, their parents and all who want to support them. This space is intended for them, to welcome young girls, boys, and teens to share their impactful moments and thoughts of living with their neurodifferences - Their place to showcase their beautiful normal.

Your Kiids Story Here!
Your Kiids Story Here!

Your Kiids Story Here
Your Kiids Story Here!

Your Kiids Story Here
Your Kiids Story Here

Your Kiids Story Here!
It all begins with an idea.