Joural Entry: Sept 27, 2022 | Age 10
This might seem like such a small accomplishment today, but it was a huge win for my family. My son needed the class code for one of his school online learning platforms and without thinking I blurted out: The class code is Q-C-B-shy. And before I could correct myself, I hear the chime of a successful log-in.
In the past, my son would have struggled with my response and asked me, “ What letter is shy ?”, or asked me, “What do you mean by shy?”, or just got flustered and tell me he can’t log-in and wait for me to put in the password.
This was a two-fold win: 1) The fact that he spelled shy correctly and 2) Despite being so literal with instructions and directions, he made the logic leap that shy wasn’t a letter, but a word that he needed to spell out. I’m basking in this small victory of his, and beyond proud that I didn’t need to methodically spell out Q-C-B-S-H-Y. Such a nice surprise to end the evening!